Hehe, remember me? I was browsing through the Flash Portal and whaddya know? I notice that Pt2's out! :D
Nice use of effects here. Love the intro. I see the "Sonic the Hedgehog" logo come up, along with the original opening music. Then all of a sudden I see Dark Sonic crashing through! Haha....nice XD
Good choice of music! "Final Zone" for the opening works nice, and the metal and techno music you used for the fight scenes were pretty good.
You explained what had happened to Tails. It's good that that got cleared up from the last episode, but it just seemed way too short. I would have figured that Tails would have put up a fight at least rather than dying so easily.
As for the battle between Mecha Sonic and Sonic, it was pretty good. Nice use of visual effects and sound effects! Still though, it seemed a little short. While I don't like a battle to drag on, I also don't like a battle that ends so quickly.
Still good nonetheless. Can't wait 'till Part 3! :D
Voting Details: Current Score - 2.77
Voted 5 - raised to 2.79
Voter # - 259
For its file size, I would have expected a lot more. These need to be longer.
~The Koopa Clan~